My read of the week is turning into read of the month! I miss getting an entire book finished in one week. Not I'm feeling accomplished if I get a chapter finished. I've had this quick read on my Amazon wish list forever. I saw that it was on the free list for Prime members this month so I snatched it up and made time to read it.
Simple Living : thirty days to less stuff and more life by Lorilee Lippincott
A fun read that only takes a minute or two per chapter. Se sets up a goal with each chapter that is easily obtainable. This is for the organizer that needs help knowing where to start first. Most of the tasks took me 20 minutes top to complete. She has you doing things such as "clean off all horizontal surfaces" or "take trash out of car, vacuum, and wipe down" and other things I never spend time on such as "deleting and canceling spam emails". I must say I do have a few tasks still ahead of me. I need to clean out our filing cabinet and the office has become a junk room. These are top priority this week for me.
What is everyone else doing to declutter? I'm hoping to do a garage sale first of August. Here's to a stress free home!Labels: declutter, organization, read of the month, simple living