So here I am with this giant list of things to accomplish. Are you ready for it? Keep me accountable... my only excuse I can use is that I'm 34 weeks prego and I need a 2 hour nap in the afternoons. Yes, I'm exhausted already today and its only 11 am. I'm also even more exhausted now that I've looked at this list below, HA!
My Crazy-Ridiculous List of Things for the next 5 days.
Vacuum upstairs
Dust the upstairs
Make sure to definitely dust the ceiling fan (as my husband pointed out the 4 inch layer of dust on it last night)
Wipe down walls upstairs
Wipe down window blinds upstairs
Wipe down windows upstairs
Wipe down baseboards upstairs
Wash second load of colors
Wash load of whites
Fold and put away everything
Organize and wipe down laundry area
Brush dog and give dog bath (if he cooperates)
Wipe down all bathrooms
Clean out cabinet under guest bathroom sink
Wipe down refrigerator door and shelves
Wipe out microwave
Deep clean oven
Finish at least one save the date draft for Emily's wedding
Finish knitting baby hat
Finish knitting first cable section of baby blanket
Order yarn for footstool from LionBrand
Order Cancun family scrapbook from MyPublisher
Make and freeze frittatas
Make and freeze mini chicken pot pies
Organize list of ingredients for next fix and freeze meal - lasagna? baked spaghetti?
Make list of items needed at grocery
Go to the grocery store
Send graduation cards and anniversary cards
Finish book on baby massage techniques and blog
Finish next two chapters in christian marriage book Brandon and I are reading together
Finish Beth Moore bible study on James and blog