{recipe of the week} the perfect hard boiled egg and adding protein into my families diet

Two dilemas this week I solved.

One .  My husband takes his breakfast and lunch to work everyday.  He works a 12 hour shift and is on his feet most of the day.  His lunchbox consists of things he can munch and go.  There isn't any time for an hour - sit down - four course meal - that has been microwaved.  He needs portable finger food (that's healthy).

Two . Anna has decided she isn't eating anything that has protein in it.  That means all of them unless they come prepackaged in a food pouch and are mixed with fruit. You already have seen her little tantrum on Monday. She is at 20% for average baby weight which means she is on the petite side.  And that means Mom is getting creative with the food. 

Solution One . First off  the perfect hard boiled egg.  Why do I love the egg?  I can make a batch of them once a week.  They fit conveniently in a very small tupperware for his lunch box.  I can mix the yolk with banana and Anna will eat the entire bowl.  I can eat the egg white left over as a morning snack on the run and chasing after Anna.  I never grew up with hard boiled eggs.  We would get them on our salads at a restaurant and I would be repulsed.  However, I married  a hard boiled egg fan, so I have adapted. 

Lauren's Perfect Hard Boiled Egg
6 or 7 eggs (or however many you plan to eat in 5 days or less)
a pot of water
** Using eggs you've had for a few days in the fridge work better than farm fresh.  If they have been sitting in your refrigerator for awhile they are much easier to peel.

Wash off you eggs thoroughly and place in pot.  Pour cold water on top of them (cold water helps prevent cracking) until they are completely submerged.  They may pop up a bit.  I always add just a bit extra so they don't dry out while boiling.

Place pot on high heat.  When eggs start to boil move heat down to simmer/medium heat.  Then set timer for 12 minutes. 

When timer goes off turn off stove and rinse eggs in colander in sink.  I usually let them sit in the colander and cool off for a few minutes.  When cool, gently crack and peel shell off.  (If eggs are still too hot to crack rinse under cold water) Place eggs in Tupperware and refrigerate. 

Do you have dark rings around your egg yolks?  That means your water is too hot. 


 ^ This dish doesn't look like anything extra.  Its dethawed frozen banana and egg yolk.  I mix them together and Anna will eat the whole dish.  Its a great source of protein for her since she won't eat meat, tofu, or beans!  Try it!  ^

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sixteen sunbuckles: {recipe of the week} the perfect hard boiled egg and adding protein into my families diet

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

{recipe of the week} the perfect hard boiled egg and adding protein into my families diet

Two dilemas this week I solved.

One .  My husband takes his breakfast and lunch to work everyday.  He works a 12 hour shift and is on his feet most of the day.  His lunchbox consists of things he can munch and go.  There isn't any time for an hour - sit down - four course meal - that has been microwaved.  He needs portable finger food (that's healthy).

Two . Anna has decided she isn't eating anything that has protein in it.  That means all of them unless they come prepackaged in a food pouch and are mixed with fruit. You already have seen her little tantrum on Monday. She is at 20% for average baby weight which means she is on the petite side.  And that means Mom is getting creative with the food. 

Solution One . First off  the perfect hard boiled egg.  Why do I love the egg?  I can make a batch of them once a week.  They fit conveniently in a very small tupperware for his lunch box.  I can mix the yolk with banana and Anna will eat the entire bowl.  I can eat the egg white left over as a morning snack on the run and chasing after Anna.  I never grew up with hard boiled eggs.  We would get them on our salads at a restaurant and I would be repulsed.  However, I married  a hard boiled egg fan, so I have adapted. 

Lauren's Perfect Hard Boiled Egg
6 or 7 eggs (or however many you plan to eat in 5 days or less)
a pot of water
** Using eggs you've had for a few days in the fridge work better than farm fresh.  If they have been sitting in your refrigerator for awhile they are much easier to peel.

Wash off you eggs thoroughly and place in pot.  Pour cold water on top of them (cold water helps prevent cracking) until they are completely submerged.  They may pop up a bit.  I always add just a bit extra so they don't dry out while boiling.

Place pot on high heat.  When eggs start to boil move heat down to simmer/medium heat.  Then set timer for 12 minutes. 

When timer goes off turn off stove and rinse eggs in colander in sink.  I usually let them sit in the colander and cool off for a few minutes.  When cool, gently crack and peel shell off.  (If eggs are still too hot to crack rinse under cold water) Place eggs in Tupperware and refrigerate. 

Do you have dark rings around your egg yolks?  That means your water is too hot. 

 ^ This dish doesn't look like anything extra.  Its dethawed frozen banana and egg yolk.  I mix them together and Anna will eat the whole dish.  Its a great source of protein for her since she won't eat meat, tofu, or beans!  Try it!  ^

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