^06.25.13 approximately 9am. Up all night with no makeup and I look terrible. But, I still love this picture^
Anna and I finally beat the stomach flu. Her first temperature. Her first spout of vomiting (and the runs). My first experience with a sick baby. What an exhausting and challenging week it was. I have no patience and the first thing you will learn as a new mother is... patience! Anna just wanted to cuddle and every minute we sat cuddling I thought of the increasing list of things I needed to get done. However, there was absolutely no conversaion in me putting her down. I had to remind myself over and over again that everything can wait. She needs me and that laundry will be there tomorrow (or the next day). When they are sick your heart just aches for them. You want to tell them it'll be over soon and you sincerely wish it was you and not them. My first experience actually wishing I could take away someone else's pain and take it myself instead. I have never experienced this much love before. Anna and I are starting to get this mother daughter thing down. I love her more everyday.
they say the child chooses
the parent before
they are conceived
God gave me lists
of mother's names
and pictures of them too.
I looked and looked
they all looked the same
and then I saw you.
Who is this woman?
I asked the Lord
She looks quite nice to me.
You have chosen well my child.
And he spoke these words to me.
She is kind and gentle
and very wise
and she will hold you
close to her
when you cry.
Her eyes will shine
when you take your first step
and smile at your delight.
She will show her pride
when you succeed
and pick you up
when you fail.
She will work hard
to give you the best she can
and rock you to sleep with weary time worn hands.
She will shelter you
on stormy days
and dry your fears away.
She will bask with you
in sunshine on
sunny summer days.
And when you are grown
like you soon will be
She will still be there
To comfort thee.
I choose her.
I told the Lord
For none like her
I've seen before.
And the day came
when I was born.
I had chosen well
of this I'm sure.
I picked you
above the rest
and because I did
My life is blessed
Labels: anna, mommyhood