eucharisteo: 101-150

101.  the smell of a cedar chest
102.  the feeling of a big comfy sweater
103.  the feeling you get after a great work out
104.  hot tubs
105.  polka dot rain boots
106.  learning about my norwegian heritage
107.  my grandparents and that they still love each other (and show it)
108.  the feeling you get when you complete a project and you are thrilled with the results
109.  spring flowers
110. when you find the match to that missing sock
111.  a new tube of mascara
112.  manicured lawns
113.  snowglobes
114.  making christmas cookies with my mom
115.  snowmen
116.  sprinkles
117.  a worn in pair of adorable high heels
118.  anything wrapped in a very small box with a giant bow
119.  laying under the stars
120.  laying on a blanket in the grass and watching the clouds go by
121.  someone playing with your hair
122.  a great massage
123.  white picket fences
124.  horses running in a pasture
125.  the whistling of a train far off in the distance
126.  the hustle and bustle of an airport
127.  the sound of palm leaves in the breeze
128.  sipping fruity cocktails on the beach
129.  the slight spray of ocean water on your face from the breeze
130.  a great sandcastle
131.  recycling
132.  holding hands as you cross the road
133.  that beautiful soft blanket of snow right after a big snowstorm
134.  the stars and moon shining off the snow
135.  puppy tracks in the snow
136.  long cable knit scarves
137.  finding exactly what you were looking for and its on sale
138.  down comforters
139.  the smell of a roast in the oven
140.  big beautiful eyes
141.  especially my husbands eyes
142.  singing worship songs that brings tears to your eyes
143.  realizing a worship song is stuck in your head
144.  a memory that makes you smile
145.  sunday morning church service
146.  an old wooden church pew
147.  stained glass windows
148.  pipe organ music
149.  children's choir singing christmas hymns
150.  candelight services

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sixteen sunbuckles: eucharisteo: 101-150

Thursday, August 23, 2012

eucharisteo: 101-150

101.  the smell of a cedar chest
102.  the feeling of a big comfy sweater
103.  the feeling you get after a great work out
104.  hot tubs
105.  polka dot rain boots
106.  learning about my norwegian heritage
107.  my grandparents and that they still love each other (and show it)
108.  the feeling you get when you complete a project and you are thrilled with the results
109.  spring flowers
110. when you find the match to that missing sock
111.  a new tube of mascara
112.  manicured lawns
113.  snowglobes
114.  making christmas cookies with my mom
115.  snowmen
116.  sprinkles
117.  a worn in pair of adorable high heels
118.  anything wrapped in a very small box with a giant bow
119.  laying under the stars
120.  laying on a blanket in the grass and watching the clouds go by
121.  someone playing with your hair
122.  a great massage
123.  white picket fences
124.  horses running in a pasture
125.  the whistling of a train far off in the distance
126.  the hustle and bustle of an airport
127.  the sound of palm leaves in the breeze
128.  sipping fruity cocktails on the beach
129.  the slight spray of ocean water on your face from the breeze
130.  a great sandcastle
131.  recycling
132.  holding hands as you cross the road
133.  that beautiful soft blanket of snow right after a big snowstorm
134.  the stars and moon shining off the snow
135.  puppy tracks in the snow
136.  long cable knit scarves
137.  finding exactly what you were looking for and its on sale
138.  down comforters
139.  the smell of a roast in the oven
140.  big beautiful eyes
141.  especially my husbands eyes
142.  singing worship songs that brings tears to your eyes
143.  realizing a worship song is stuck in your head
144.  a memory that makes you smile
145.  sunday morning church service
146.  an old wooden church pew
147.  stained glass windows
148.  pipe organ music
149.  children's choir singing christmas hymns
150.  candelight services

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