something for the soul

My grandma, Annetta began giving all the women in her family Daily Guideposts for Christmas last year.  If you aren't familiar with these they are daily sweet lessons/thoughts/prayers for the christian life.   I've really gotten to enjoy (and look forward) to the 5 minute read each day.  I should have brought the book with me over Christmas while we were away visiting family.  So, I'm a bit behind in my reading.  I just finished Saturday, December 31, and I thought it was such a great reflection for NYE Resolutions.  I love this last paragraph,

"I realized that the real question confronting me wasn't, How did I spend last year? but How will I spend the next?  How will I use the most precious of God's gifts-life and time?  I can make long lists of things to accomplish and commit myself to New Year's resolutions.   But I really need to do only two things:  Love God with all that I am, and love my neighbor as much as I love myself.  This is all that really matters.  Lord, keep me from seeing my days as something I own but rather as a gift that comes from You." -- Scott Walker

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.  Psalms 90:12

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sixteen sunbuckles: something for the soul

Thursday, January 12, 2012

something for the soul

My grandma, Annetta began giving all the women in her family Daily Guideposts for Christmas last year.  If you aren't familiar with these they are daily sweet lessons/thoughts/prayers for the christian life.   I've really gotten to enjoy (and look forward) to the 5 minute read each day.  I should have brought the book with me over Christmas while we were away visiting family.  So, I'm a bit behind in my reading.  I just finished Saturday, December 31, and I thought it was such a great reflection for NYE Resolutions.  I love this last paragraph,

"I realized that the real question confronting me wasn't, How did I spend last year? but How will I spend the next?  How will I use the most precious of God's gifts-life and time?  I can make long lists of things to accomplish and commit myself to New Year's resolutions.   But I really need to do only two things:  Love God with all that I am, and love my neighbor as much as I love myself.  This is all that really matters.  Lord, keep me from seeing my days as something I own but rather as a gift that comes from You." -- Scott Walker

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.  Psalms 90:12

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