I didn't post anything last week because honestly I'm still trying to get my ducks in a row here. It is a lifelong battle. I'm sure I won't become the lady in Proverbs 31 overnight (or in 40 days) but I'm making the conscious effort. Boy have I made some changes! I'm not sure they are groundbreaking. My husband might not even notice, but I have! While getting my ducks in a row I've been working on two giant steps, clutter and organizing. They do go hand in hand nicely, don't they?
She gets up while it is still night;
OK I haven't done this yet. I told my husband I was going to start getting up with him at 5am and he laughed. I think I woke up one day and rolled over. I do want to implement this but oh man is it a hard. Maybe this week? Maybe I'll have some amazing life changing post next week on waking up at 5am.
(don't hold your breath)
She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.
She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.
The reason behind the above... is here. I'm up until midnight everynight. Thankful for my little business starting to really blossom. (Have you checked out the shop?) I am trying desperately to find time for it and my family. I am actually more of a night owl than a spring chicken. And I have a scentsy nightlight thats on all night -- does that count? Oh, I hear you. I could start getting up at 5am and getting my work done too. I guess that is what Mrs. Proverbs 31 does now doesn't she.
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
I am desperately trying to "finish what I've started". It is definitely one of my weaknesses. As my husband said last night, "you are planning so far ahead in the future you can't see today." So... insert Springpad here.
Have you been introduced to this program yet? It will change your life. Goodbye post-it notes all over the place. Goodbye ridiculous list of bookmarks on your browser of diy projects and recipes to try. Goodby to the way of thinking "oh I need to write that down" and then never doing so. Everything is now neatly organized in one little space. You can organize pretty much anything. From To Do lists and meeting notes, to music and workouts. I can access it via computer, kindle, and phone. You can even set alarms, put things on your calendar, share notebooks and lists with friends, etc. I'll never forget a thing again (well let's not go that far.)
I've started looking at it every night before I go to bed. I review my accomplishments of the day and write down tasks of the day/week ahead. And guess what? I'm sleeping better!
Did you miss the launch of the 40 day challenge? Check it out. Its never too late to start! Join me!
Labels: 40 days, christian mom, christian wife, faith, family, organization, proverbs 31, shanks household, springpad