practicing hospitality

I am almost finished with "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver.  LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!  I won't go into a lot of description since I've still got two chapters to go but I wanted to share with you her insight on hospitality.

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  -- 1 Peter 4:9

1.  Never clean before company.  Instead, try to clean on schedule and clean up as you go, so you'll always e ready for unexpected guests.  (And we all know that happens often!)

2.  Keep the emphasis o welcome, not performance.  The purpose of hospitality is to open your arms to others, not to impress them.  It's better to keep things simple and warm than to go overboard.  (I need to plaster this to the inside of my eyelids)

3.  Do as much ahead of time as possible.  Plan ahead for hospitality - even cook ahead.  Karen says, "Hard work indicates I'm not managing my time well, not planning or preparing ahead, doing too much, not being dependent on the Lord's strength, but on my own.  (I'm "pinning" a bunch of bake and freeze recipes to my boards for easy prep when I don't have time to cook.  Follow me!)

4.  Include little touches of beauty.  A few candles and a jar of daisies picked from the yard can make grilled cheese a gourmet delight.  And they help hide the grease stains on the tablecloth as well.  (I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can plant flowers again)

5.  Use all the help that comes your way.  When someone offers to help, say yes!  Many hands make less work - and sharing he labor can be a great opportunity for fellowship.  (This is something I know I have to work on)

6.  Keep records.  Karen has files of easy recipes and creative entertaining tips.  Other women keep records of the guests and what was served.  I've found that to-do lists organize my scattered thoughts and help me focus my energy more productivity.  (Now if only I could find a way to organize my to-do lists!)

Happy Thursday Everyone!  Let the entertaining this weekend begin!!

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sixteen sunbuckles: practicing hospitality

Thursday, February 2, 2012

practicing hospitality

I am almost finished with "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver.  LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!  I won't go into a lot of description since I've still got two chapters to go but I wanted to share with you her insight on hospitality.

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  -- 1 Peter 4:9

1.  Never clean before company.  Instead, try to clean on schedule and clean up as you go, so you'll always e ready for unexpected guests.  (And we all know that happens often!)

2.  Keep the emphasis o welcome, not performance.  The purpose of hospitality is to open your arms to others, not to impress them.  It's better to keep things simple and warm than to go overboard.  (I need to plaster this to the inside of my eyelids)

3.  Do as much ahead of time as possible.  Plan ahead for hospitality - even cook ahead.  Karen says, "Hard work indicates I'm not managing my time well, not planning or preparing ahead, doing too much, not being dependent on the Lord's strength, but on my own.  (I'm "pinning" a bunch of bake and freeze recipes to my boards for easy prep when I don't have time to cook.  Follow me!)

4.  Include little touches of beauty.  A few candles and a jar of daisies picked from the yard can make grilled cheese a gourmet delight.  And they help hide the grease stains on the tablecloth as well.  (I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can plant flowers again)

5.  Use all the help that comes your way.  When someone offers to help, say yes!  Many hands make less work - and sharing he labor can be a great opportunity for fellowship.  (This is something I know I have to work on)

6.  Keep records.  Karen has files of easy recipes and creative entertaining tips.  Other women keep records of the guests and what was served.  I've found that to-do lists organize my scattered thoughts and help me focus my energy more productivity.  (Now if only I could find a way to organize my to-do lists!)

Happy Thursday Everyone!  Let the entertaining this weekend begin!!

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